the film snob

A cyberspace journal about my experiences as an NYU film school grad student, reviews of current and classic films, film and TV news, and the rants and raves of an admitted (and unapologetic) film snob.

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Esse Quam Videri -- To be, rather than to appear

Friday, June 01, 2007

BSG to End

Hollywood Reporter announced this morning that the upcoming fourth season of Sci Fi Channel's critically lauded Battlestar Galactica will be the final season.

Supposedly, the decision to conclude now is wholly a creative one.

"This show was always meant to have a beginning, a middle and, finally, an end," producer/creators David Eick and Ron Moore said yesterday. "Over the course of the last year, the story and the characters have been moving strongly toward that end, and we've decided to listen to those internal voices and conclude the show on our own terms. And while we know our fans will be saddened to know the end is coming, they should brace themselves for a wild ride getting there -- we're going out with a bang."

The fourth season will be comprised of 22 episodes, to launch with a two-hour special entitled “Razor” in November and pick up again in early 2008.

While I am, of course, saddened to see one of my favorite television programs vacate the airwaves, I more than enthusiastically endorse going out on top. Star Trek: The Next Generation, of which Ron Moore was a part, bowed when it was the number one syndicated show. It never even gave itself a chance to go downhill. I very much appreciate the fact that those behind BSG care more about the integrity of the narrative line than their bottom-line.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I very much appreciate the fact that those behind BSG care more about the integrity of the narrative line than their bottom-line.

I know, right? The show and its creators are amazing. I'm sad to see it go, but happy that it will end without having once lost its way (if the quality holds up).

8:25 AM  
Blogger LadyBronco said...


8:49 PM  

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