
Several of my fellow NYU classmates and I have started a film website entitled cinemattraction. We're still working out a few bugs and still have a few more refinements to make, but we're all quite proud of how things are shaping up. Check it out.
I have to say I like the site. It reminds me that I really should be watching (maybe even writing about) many more movies than I do.
Oh, and I just realized you might be asking yourself why some random guy going by "Vampire" keeps commenting on your blog. Don't tell anyone, but it's your old friend Adam from many and varied film courses at UCCS. Glad to see you're at NYU and enjoying the experience.
The Brandon blogs have become a franchise. A fleet? A product line?
Does this mean no more Film snob posts?
No no no, if anything, there will be more of my words floating around cyberspace.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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