the film snob

A cyberspace journal about my experiences as an NYU film school grad student, reviews of current and classic films, film and TV news, and the rants and raves of an admitted (and unapologetic) film snob.

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Esse Quam Videri -- To be, rather than to appear

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Rough clip from Moxie documentary from Dan and Vimeo.

This is a rough cut of the first few minutes from David Lowery's documentary about the Moxie, a small independent theater in Springfield, Missouri where one of my best friends works. The sound has yet to be mixed, the compression is low, the title is temporary, and there's still a long way to go, but this will give you an idea of how amazing the finished product will be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best job / Best bosses ever.
One of the better experiences in my life.

7:35 AM  

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